An extra $1 billion for the state’s Housing Investment Fund (HIF) will help Queenslanders experiencing or facing homelessness, with immediate action now needed to build more housing, QCOSS says.  

“Queensland’s landmark Housing Summit presents a one-off opportunity to fix this state’s growing housing crisis,” QCOSS CEO Aimee McVeigh said.  

“The Queensland Government must develop a plan to work with each level of government and the private and community sector to put a roof over the head of every Queenslander,” McVeigh said. 

“We have tens of thousands of Queenslanders facing or experiencing homelessness amid a housing crisis that is only getting worse. 

“We have 46,000 people on the social housing register waiting for a home – a number the size of a large regional Queensland town. Today’s announcement will mean construction is expected to commence on an extra 5500 social housing homes by 2027, in addition to the 6365 already promised over four years by 2025. 

“We thank the Palaszczuk Government for this extra funding, which should result in more homes for Queenslanders and is a sign of the political will that is needed to fix this crisis.  

“Community services are experiencing unprecedented demand for help from Queenslanders with homelessness and housing. This is why we called on the Premier to convene and oversee this summit.  

“Now, what we need is a plan based on need with goals and targets, which governments can be held accountable to. 

“We need 5,000 new social homes to be built every year for the next ten years across the state.  

“In the year to 30 June 2022, we saw 7,294 new households added to the social housing register. The register has grown by 75% in the past 5 years. 

“Committing to build, on average, 2,691 new social homes per year is significantly better than the state government’s last eight years, which saw an average of 500 new dwellings delivered per year.  

“But we must do more.  

“The Premier should not walk away from this summit announcing anything less than a plan that is based on need and ensures every Queenslander has a roof over their head by 2032. 

“Today, the Premier, Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness Julie Collins and Queensland Mayors must keep in the front of their minds the constituents they represent and the people for whom this summit was called. 

“The women and children fleeing domestic violence. The families living in cars, tents, motels and garages. The elderly men and women, and pregnant mums and those with newborns, currently couch surfing. These Queenslanders need a safe and secure home.  

“No Queenslander should be without a roof over their head by 2032, and today is the first step on a path that can ensure it.” 

QCOSS called for an extra $1 billion HIF investment in this year’s budget, and welcomes today’s announcement.  

20 October 2022