Below you will find a list of all posts that have been categorised as "Service Type: Financial Support"

Submission: Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living

The scale and severity of the cost-of-living crisis demands an ambitious whole-of-government response. Opportunities for the federal government to work in partnership with state and territory governments must underpin a comprehensive and strategic plan to pave a sustainable way forward.

15 March 2024|Publication

Annual Report 2017-2018

While QCOSS' vision - for a Queensland free of poverty and disadvantage - remains steadfast, our approach to delivering this is sharply focussed on changing the narrative. During 2017-18, the word 'change' became part of our vernacular as we created new approaches to ensure every person in Queensland has a good life. QCOSS is proud to lead this movement for change.

8 October 2018|Publication

Annual Report 2016-2017

'A Queensland free of poverty and disadvantage' is the mantra by which QCOSS undertakes all its operations. During the past 12 months, significant steps have been taken towards the end goal.

30 October 2017|Publication
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