As the Queensland community services sector’s peak body, QCOSS delivers a year-round research and advocacy program to deliver change on structural social issues and to promote the work and needs of the sector.

We offer members a range of opportunities to inform and engage with our advocacy agenda through the facilitation of these networks:

Human Rights Network

The Human Rights Network is a community services sector network for those deepening their capacity to understand human rights and apply this to their work. It provides an opportunity to share experiences, information and resources on human rights and social justice matters within the community services sector, as well as identifying common issues across the sector to inform advocacy and submissions.

Meetings offer guest speakers and discussion on a range of topics, while access to peers and experts provides a community of knowledge and experience to draw on for everyday support.

Involvement is open to anyone working in community services non-government organisations in Queensland. To register, express your interest here.

Community Services CEO Network

The primary purpose of the Community Services CEO Network is to bring together community sector leaders to collaboratively identify issues impacting the wider sector and provide an opportunity to share perspectives and shape solutions. Meeting 4 times per year. To register, email [email protected].

Policy Networks

The QCOSS Policy Networks provide an opportunity to shape the QCOSS’ advocacy and research agenda. We are coordinating networks on the following topics:

Research and Evaluation

This network provides an opportunity for collaboration and knowledge sharing on research and evaluation methods. Meeting 4 times per year. To register, email [email protected] or visit this form to express your interest.

Women’s Equality

The primary purpose of the Women’s Equality Network is to harness the perspectives of Queensland’s community services sector to respond and provide advice on matters relating to women’s equality and wellbeing. Meeting 4 times per year. This network is open to QCOSS member organisations. To apply, email [email protected].

Essential Services Consultative Group

This network influences energy policy processes and contributes to government policy on key consumer reforms. Meeting 4 times per year. To register, email [email protected].

Quality Collaboration Network

To enhance best practice within the sector in relation to quality systems, QCOSS regularly convenes the Quality Collaboration Network. The network meets from 9:30am – 11:00am on the third Wednesday of every month, from February to November. The network is a joint initiative of QCOSS and the Human Services Sector and is open to non-members of QCOSS.