As an essential service, everyone in Queensland should have the right to access affordable water services. However, affordability is becoming an increasingly important issue as rising water prices combined with other cost-of-living pressures have contributed to bill stress.

The water and sewerage sector is complex and it can be confusing to know where to find information on the arrangements currently in place, particularly for billing, pricing and tenant issues. Prices and rules vary across regions and households have different rights and protections depending on where they live, who their water provider is and whether they are a home owner or tenant.

QCOSS has developed some water fact sheets to help those who are facing difficulties paying their water bills. The fact sheets include information on what concessions and assistance are available, what to do if you can’t pay a water bill and information for tenants.

You can find these and many other resources, including our Energy fact sheets, at our new Energy and Water ‘Resources for Sector’ hub on Community Door – our new one-stop shop of downloadable resources for use in Queensland by community services sector workers and household consumers.