QCOSS supports the inquiry and calls for stronger protections against hate crimes and serious vilification in Queensland.

Our submission reflects our engagement with our members and supporters. On 1 July 2021, QCOSS hosted a live webinar to explain the current inquiry, provide a human rights analysis about strengthening existing laws and to encourage our sector to make a submission.

Four guest panellists represented diverse perspectives grounded in community insight and stories, and professional expertise. They included representatives from the Muslim, African, First Nations and LGBTIQA+ communities. The event attracted more than 100 registrants across Queensland.

In our polling of participants, these themes emerged:

  • Vilification takes many forms against different community groups.
  • Statistics suggest an increase in the prevelance of hate crime and vilification in Queensland, including online.
  • Human rights analysis will be required for any new laws.
  • Accountability should not lie with individuals and communities aggrieved by hate speech.

Queensland is a wonderfully multicultural state and home to so many diverse ethnic and religious communities. All of us have a role in stepping up and speaking out to ensure that our state is a place of respect and equality, regardless of our ethnic, racial, religious or cultural backgrounds and beliefs.

Read our full submission.