Below you will find a list of all posts that have been categorised as ""

Organisational COVID-19 Vaccination Advice from Clayton Utz

This paper provides general legal guidance about what actions QCOSS member organisations can do in relation to the COVID-19 vaccination in order to protect service users, comply with the law, respect their employees and ensure their decisions respect the human rights of service users and employees.

30 November 2021|Publication

Annual Report 2020-2021

In a year where we have all faced personal and professional challenges, the QCOSS movement has worked consistently and optimistically toward our unifying vision of equality, opportunity and wellbeing for all Queenslanders.

21 October 2021|Publication

Report: Bridging the Digital Divide

As the world moves increasingly online, digital inclusion is necessary for people to be fulsomely engaged in economic, social and civic life. Despite that [...]

7 September 2021|Publication

Report: Where are we now? Energy support and COVID-19 impacts on Queenslanders

This analysis examined the experience of Queensland households during COVID-19 and how energy supports are being utilised. This was determined by analysing results of the Queensland energy consumer and COVID-19 survey commissioned by a group of Energy Charter signatories as a #BetterTogether initiative on consumers and COVID-19.

6 September 2021|Publication

Submission: Social isolation and loneliness

We welcome the inquiry into social isolation and loneliness as this is a well-known issue that can significantly impact people’s health and wellbeing. To [...]

20 August 2021|Publication

Report: State of the Sector 2020

Queensland’s community sector works to improve the quality of life of people accessing their services, as well as the wider community, holding crucial keys to unlocking the state’s full potential for growth and prosperity.

12 August 2021|Publication
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