Submission: Second submission to the Youth Justice Reform Inqury
QCOSS welcomes the work of the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee in continuing to consult on significant themes and priorities that have emerged through their Inquiry.
QCOSS welcomes the work of the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee in continuing to consult on significant themes and priorities that have emerged through their Inquiry.
QCOSS welcomes the development of the Putting Queensland Kids First Strategy, which has the potential to guide whole-of-government investment to ensure children and families in Queensland can thrive.
Systemic change through both legislative and service delivery reform is required to ensure people living in supported accommodation have access to safe, secure, and affordable housing that respects people’s rights and is appropriate for people’s needs.
The QCOSS annual Living Affordability in Queensland report aims to determine whether low-income households in Queensland can afford a basic standard of living. The 2023 Living Affordability in Queensland report identifies cost-of-living pressures associated with increasing accommodation prices and the cost of essential goods and services such as healthy food, energy, healthcare, transport, and digital communications.
QCOSS has drawn upon ongoing research and engagement with community organisations across Queensland in the development of this submission to the Youth Justice [...]
QCOSS welcomes the 2022 Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan in transitioning the state’s energy system to a low-carbon base, offering cleaner and more [...]
QCOSS welcomes the establishment of the Not-For-Profit Sector Expert Reference Panel and the development of the Not-For-Profit Blueprint to ensure a strong future for Australian charities.
This report investigates gender-responsive procurement (GRP) principles and measures from other Australian and international jurisdictions and considers how Queensland Government procurement can be further used as an instrument to drive gender equality outcomes.
Queensland’s economy is the strongest in the nation - but while Queensland’s budget position is strong, the pressure on household budgets is crippling.
Immediate action, as well as a comprehensive long-term plan, are required to address the housing crisis in Queensland. QCOSS welcomes the federal government's commitment to developing a Plan to address housing challenges, which must be a whole government plan and set an ambitious goal of ending housing need in Australia within a decade.