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Submission: Child Safe Organisations Bill 2024

QCOSS welcomes the Queensland Government’s commitment to implement recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

2 August 2024|Publication

Queensland Election Platform 2024: A fair share for all Queenslanders

While many Queenslanders are struggling with the cost of living, the state’s economy has been touted as the strongest in the nation. While Queensland’s budget position is strong, the pressure on household budgets is crippling. This election is the time for both major parties to commit to giving Queenslanders a fair share of the state’s prosperity.

31 July 2024|Publication

Submission: Human Rights Act Review

QCOSS and our members strongly support Queensland having a Human Rights Act. Overwhelming feedback from our sector supports the proposition that the Act is helping to deliver positive outcomes for communities, clients and service users.

8 July 2024|Publication

Queensland Budget 2024-25: Our analysis

The 2024-25 State Budget is delivered against a stark contrast. While many Queenslanders are struggling with the cost of living, the state’s economy has been touted as the strongest in the nation. The state’s economic prosperity presents a golden opportunity for government to make investments that will take the pressure off Queenslanders in the short term and provide better supports in the long term.

13 June 2024|Publication

Submission: Queensland Community Safety Bill 2024

In our submission responding to the Inquiry into the Queensland Community Safety Bill 2024, QCOSS outlined that we do not support the Bill. Drawing on the expertise of community service organisations, we outlined that many of the amendments proposed in the Bill are not rights respecting, nor evidence based.

31 May 2024|Publication

Submission: Emergency Services Reform Amendment Bill 2023

QCOSS welcomes the Emergency Services Reform Amendment Bill 2023 and recognises the substantial work that has underpinned these important reforms. However, the Bill does not harness the opportunity to more effectively embed community services into key coordination and disaster response activities.

15 March 2024|Publication
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