Sisters of Charity Foundation – Community Grants Program

Application Date: 5 August 2024 to 30 August 2024

Region: Australia wide

Amount: Up to $15,000


The Sisters of Charity Foundation provides charity grants of up to $15,000 to eligible applicants. Sisters of Charity deliver practical, real world support to smaller grassroots organisations that can’t find help from more traditional sources.

Once accepted as an eligible applicant, the organisation work closely with you and your organisation to understand exactly what is needed, so we can ensure you receive the best quality outcomes.

Do you need help to fight poverty, loneliness, suffering or oppression? If you don’t qualify for assistance through other existing channels, it may be able to help. Find out how to apply for a charity grant, or contact for more information.

Email enquiries: [email protected]

Phone enquiries: 02 9367 1211

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