Application Date: 30 March 2023
Region: Queensland wide
Amount: Varies
QCOSS note: The end date accompanying this listing is a placeholder. This grant offer may be fully subscribed or withdrawn before the date listed. Please check via the website of the grant holder below.
Are you interested in advancing the lives of women and girls and achieving gender equality?
Are you a community group or organisation that has an idea for an event, resource or project that would benefit women and girls across Queensland?
The Investing in Queensland Women grant program (the grant program) supports community groups and organisations across Queensland’s urban, rural and remote regions with resources to lead projects and events designed to create positive change for women and girls.
To assist in getting your idea up and running, the grant program provides one-off grants of up to $15,000 for projects and events that align with the Queensland Government’s strategic priorities and address the unique issues faced by women and girls.
Grant rounds are released twice a year, with a total allocation of $270,000 in funds (excluding GST) per round.
Funding dates and funding available
The next round of grants will be opening in February 2023.
A total allocation of $540,000 per annum (ex GST) will be made available through 2 grant rounds of $270,000 (ex GST) each.
Organisations may submit 1 application per round.
The application will be considered under 1 of the following categories:
- Category 1: Up to $5,000 for small scale projects and/or events (e.g. an awareness-raising event, a workshop or a training session, or development of basic resources).
- Category 2: Up to $10,000 for larger scale projects and/or events involving a larger audience or multiple events, or with longer term impacts (e.g. a series of workshops or events, a set of resources to be used well into the future, a medium to large scale awareness-raising campaign).
- Category 3: Up to $15,000 for more substantial initiatives involving multiple elements, which may be delivered jointly between 2 or more organisations or community groups. Partnerships may include cash contributions and/or in-kind contributions.
Successful applicants may be offered full or partial grant funding.
Email enquiries: [email protected]
Phone enquiries: 1800 177 577
For more information: