Below you will find a list of all posts that have been categorised as "Focus Area: Campaigns"

Human Rights Act Australia

QCOSS supports the Human Rights Law Centre's campaign for a national Human Rights Act. It’s time to build a fairer Australia where our fundamental human rights are fully protected, and an Australian Human Rights Act will ensure that values we all share – like fairness, respect, dignity and compassion – are always at the heart of all government decisions, laws and policies. Including health, housing, education and caring for the elderly.

29 April 2024|Campaign

Make Queensland Fair

As our state gets richer, more and more Queenslanders can’t afford the basics. Right now, 2.6 million Queenslanders are concerned about the cost-of-living. QCOSS and our sector partners are calling for real relief from the cost of living crisis so Queenslanders can be Queenslanders again.

29 January 2024|Campaign

Advance to Zero

Advance to Zero (AtoZ) seeks to demonstrate that ending homelessness is possible in Australia. The campaign is a collaboration between a broad range of communities, organisations and individuals that are committed to ending homelessness. In Queensland, QCOSS are supporters of Brisbane Zero, Gold Coast Zero and Logan Zero.

12 December 2023|Campaign

Family Matters

Family Matters aims to eliminate the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care by 2040. It is led by SNAICC – National Voice for our Children, and is supported by a Strategic Alliance of over 150 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous organisations, leading academics and prominent educational institutions.

12 December 2023|Campaign
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