Quality Collaboration Network: Child Safe Organisations

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The Quality Collaboration Network is a peer-led network for those involved in implementing the Human Services Quality Framework within their organisation.

Community organisations want to do everything they can to keep children safe and to implement the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. In this meeting of the Quality Collaboration Network (QCN), we are joined by Nadine McKillop, PhD, and Dr Susan Rayment-McHugh from the Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Uni at University of the Sunshine Coast. Reflecting on their groundbreaking work understanding the environmental and contextual factors that enable child sexual violence, Dr McKillop and Dr Rayment-McHugh will discuss their findings and the use of practical resources to guide contextual prevention. 

Organisations considering how they might practically implement the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations are encourages to attend. 

Dr Susan Rayment-McHugh is an established national leader in sexual violence and abuse prevention, whose academic career builds on a 28-year professional history working with perpetrators and victims of child sexual abuse. Her scholarly work is concerned with how we can best prevent sexual violence and abuse, challenging conventional thinking and proposing alternative evidence-informed approaches to prevention policy and practice. Her conceptual contributions have championed contextual, place-based, and community engaged prevention models, and the importance of secondary prevention of sexual violence and abuse, with the most at-risk populations, including in remote First Nations communities. Her research and clinical practice have also focused on improving treatment for First Nations youth and adults who engage in harmful sexual behaviour. She has built successful collaborations with leading national and international experts in this field and has extensive government and industry networks. She is widely recognised for her expertise in this field, receiving many requests for expert advice and consultation, and numerous speaking invitations. She is also Associate Editor of the UK-based Journal of Sexual Aggression. 

Nadine McKillop, PhD is Associate Professor in Criminology and Justice and Co-Leader of the Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Unit at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Also a psychologist, Nadine worked within criminal justice and not-for-profit organisations prior to entering academia. With two decades of research, practice and teaching expertise in criminology and psychology, Associate Professor McKillop brings with her a suite of skills in the design, facilitation, and evaluation of offending and community prevention programs. Her international research profile demonstrates expertise in understanding and preventing the onset of sexual violence and abuse, and the assessment and treatment of youth and adults who have committed sexual offences to reduce the extent and impacts of sexual violence and abuse in the community. She is the current Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Sexual Aggression: An international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice. 

The Quality Collaboration Network 

The QCN is a peer-led network for those involved in implementing the Human Services Quality Framework within their organisation. It provides an opportunity to share experiences, information and resources on audit and quality matters, as well as identifying common issues across the sector to inform system updates to government. Monthly meetings offer guest speakers and discussion on a range of topics, while access to peers and experts provides a community of knowledge and experience to draw on for everyday support. Involvement is open to quality, policy or compliance risk professionals working in community services non-government organisations in Queensland. 

28 August 2024 - 9:30 am through 11:30 am
Online via Microsoft Teams