Quality Collaboration Network: Designing policies that are accessible to the Blind and the sighted

 Registration is closed for this event
This QCN Meeting will focus on ensuring policy and other organisational documents are accessible to blind readers.

Blind since birth, relying on Text to Speech Software and Braille displays since a young age, Brendon has experienced firsthand the frustration of navigating a world primarily designed by and for the sighted. Brendon has a passion for inclusivity and accessibility, and the expertise to support organisations to extend their values of inclusion through to the documents that they create.

The Quality Collaboration Network is a peer-led network for those involved in implementing the Human Services Quality Framework within their organisation.

It provides an opportunity to share experiences, information and resources on audit and quality matters, as well as identifying common issues across the sector to inform system updates to government. Monthly meetings offer guest speakers and discussion on a range of topics, while access to peers and experts provides a community of knowledge and experience to draw on for everyday support.

Involvement is open to quality, policy or compliance risk professionals working in community services non-government organisations in Queensland.

Date:  Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Time: 9:30am – 11:00am 

Location:  Online via Teams

21 June 2023 - 9:30 am through 11:00 am
Online via Microsoft Teams