In Conversation with Rachel Hunter PSM

 Registration is closed for this event
How do we lead the social service sector through this moment?

In times of economic uncertainty, people turn to the social service sector for support in even greater numbers. 

Right now, Queensland is in a cost-of-living crisis, and 300,000 Queenslanders have unmet housing needs. What kind of leaders do we need to be to meet and navigate this moment?
Join Rachel Hunter, the first female Director-General of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, as she reflects on her vision and ambition for the future of Queensland, the key changes she’s seen in social policy over the course of her career and how she believes we must lead now. 

Ms Hunter will draw on lessons learnt in her esteemed and varied leadership roles, including as Queensland’s Under Treasurer during the COVID-19 pandemic. She will discuss the challenges she has overcome and what it is about her leadership style that has ensured her longevity and success in high-level roles.

Ask a question live or submit it to us via your event registration or email us at [email protected] by Monday, 28 August 2023.

This In Conversation is delivered in partnership with QUT Centre for Justice. 

Date: Thursday, 7 Septemer 2023
Time: 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Where: Online via Zoom 
QCOSS Members: Free
QUT C4J Members: Free
Non-Members: $80.00 

7 September 2023 - 12:30 pm through  1:30 pm
Event Fee(s)
QCOSS In Conversation 2023
QCOSS Member $0.00
QUT C4J member $0.00
Non member $80.00