Governance 101: Lockyer Valley

 Registration is closed for this event
Organisational governance is a valuable way to contribute to your community and joining a board or management committee of not-for-profit organisation is an exciting volunteer venture.  

Governance groups can have great variation in the way they are structured, and the roles and responsibilities members have. Gaining clarity in how you will work together as a group, and how you will contribute to governance as an individual, will have a lasting impact on the effectiveness you have in this important community role.  

Delivered by the team at Not-for-profit Law, this workshop will provide an overview of: 

  • Legal roles of committee/board members as decision makers  

  • Differences between governance and management  

  • Legal structure and status of your organisation  

  • Importance of rules/constitution and legal purpose or objects  

  • Four key legal duties of committee/board members  

  • Potential liabilities, protecting yourself and your organisation  

  • Other relevant laws 

The workshop will provide top tips and additional resources to help you into the future.  

This workshop is kindly being supported by the Lockyer Valley Regional Council.  

Light refreshments will be provided. 

We are charging a small fee for participants to attend:


29 February 2024 - 5:00 pm through  8:00 pm
Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre, Lake View Room, 34 Lake Apex Dr
Gatton, QLD 4343
Event Fee(s)
. $30.00