Research and Evaluation Network: Evaluation Excellence in the Community-Controlled Sector

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) know best how to improve outcomes for First Nations children and families. In the context of evaluation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and evidence draws from a rich and significant history of 65,000 years of continuous learning. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander evaluators have an inherent understanding of the lived experience, ensure that cultural protocols are upheld, and that culture is at the centre of research and evaluation.  

The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP) Centre for Excellence developed an Evaluation Framework, designed to help guide the way for evaluations to be grounded in culture and give voice to those most impacted by ACCO programs and services. The framework outlines the elements needed to ensure culturally grounded evaluation, and it will support ACCOs to undertake and/or commission evaluations that preference Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems.    

Join us in this one-hour webinar with Candice Butler, Director from the QATSICPP Centre of Excellence, where she will unpack key considerations, principles, values, and standards of the Evaluation Framework. 

This is an opportunity for deep listening and learning about culturally safe evaluation from an evaluation leader in the Community Controlled sector. 

23 May 2024 - 10:00 am through 11:00 am