Date:  to
Event type:  Forum
Region:  Brisbane
Organiser:  Brisbane Zero
Pricing:  $85 tickets – catering included


Address:  State Library of Queensland
Suburb:  South Brisbane
State:  Queensland
Postcode:  4101


Name:  Carmel Haugh
Phone Number:  07 3029 7000

For Tickets:

Presented by the Brisbane Zero Collaboration and supported by The Ellen Whitty Trust, Macpherson Kelley Foundation, Micah Projects, Communify, The Salvation Army, Churches of Christ Housing Services, Brisbane Youth Services, YFS Ltd, Uniting Care Coordination and QShelter. 

Your expertise and insights are crucial as we work towards a future where everyone has a place to call home.Despite a stubborn housing crisis, our innovative partnerships are creating real change for people experiencing rough sleeping. This year’s forum, hosted at the State Library of Queensland, offers a powerful platform for:

– Sharing ideas and knowledge
– Creative thinking
– Collaborative problem-solving

We can keep enhancing our daily work and amplify the solutions for solving homelessness. Working together, housing one person and one family at a time.

Be a part of this vital conversation.


Keynote speakers:

Neil Wilmett, CEO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland.

Professor Ingrid Burkett, Director of the Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation.

Breakout Sessions Program

The Full Program will be available in early July, but here’s a quick preview of what the Forum will bring:

Over 20 sessions, including

  • Two sessions on Collaborative Cultural Learning: Improving Support Through Understanding.
  • Panels and Workshops on
    • Addressing Family Homelessness
    • Empowering Sustaining Tenancies
    • Collaborative Approach to Youth Homelessness
    • Intersectionality in Homelessness: Unravelling Complex Realities.
And a lot more!

Watch this space! More information to come out soon.