The continuing COVID-19 health and economic crises have led to more people than ever before struggling to find paid work.

The Australian Government supported people without paid work by lifting JobSeeker and other income support payments, helping them cover the cost of the basics through the immediate crisis.

Now, as we confront what will be a long-term economic downturn, we cannot turn our back on those who are at risk of being left behind.

We cannot turn back to the brutality of people without paid work struggling to survive on the old Newstart rate of $40 per day.

This is not enough to live, let alone to cover the basics, including housing, food (especially fresh food), transport, bills, medical and health care needs.

That’s why we are calling for a permanent and adequate increase to JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and related payments to cover the basics, so everyone can put a roof over their head and food on the table.

Show your support

For more information visit the Raise the Rate website.

24 February 2022 | Focus area: